Wednesday, October 2, 2013

CX 2626, Miniature Golf, & CX 2627, Human Cannonball!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE these two games this week! Not everyone feels the same as I do, and that's okay. To each their own. No audio submissions, but lots and lots of emails! And I even remembered all of them this time! Go me! Join me next week as I discuss Telesys and two of their games, Cosmic Creeps and Coconuts. Upcoming games include Star Wars Death Star Battle and Ewok Adventure by Parker Brothers, Bowling and Sky Diver by Atari, Tennis and Laser Blast by Activision, Circus Atari and Superman by Atari, and King Kong and Jawbreaker by Tigervision. If you’d like to send me stories about any of these games, you can send them in text or mp3 form to You guys rock, thank you for listening!

This week I appeared on episode 19 of the Throwback Reviews podcast, and we talked all about the Atari 2600 of all things. You can check the show out here. I had a hard time getting used to listening to myself talk while I edit. Listening to yourself talk with other people is even weirder.

Pertinent Links

Cannon Man thread on Atari Age
FocusRS' Favorite Games of the Atari 2600 - Human Cannonball
Craig's blog about his trip on the Pacific Crest Trail 

1 comment:

  1. I've just found your podcast, and I'm really looking forward to listening to as many episodes as I can. I've been writing and publishing old-game 'zines since the '90s, so we're birds of a feather. I'm glad to see that you apparently aren't willing to jump on the ludicrous "E.T. sucks" or "Raiders sucks" bandwagon, as those are two great games, and I'm used to seeing them being complained about immediately whenever I've discovered a new classic-gaming website or podcast. Of course, I haven't found those entries yet in your episode library, if they exist...
    Adventure is my favorite VCS game as well, so I'm really looking forward to that episode! I have a chapter on it on the OC&GS website, with ridiculous detail about all of the little technicalities and peculiarities of the game that can be taken advantage of during play. Let me know if you'd like a link; otherwise, I won't bug you with one, and just add that my YT channel is called classicgamingwebcast -- and that I'd love to get a link if you happen to have a channel on there.
    Otherwise, please keep it up! Discovering a new, awesome podcast makes it like Christmas, so I'm excited to listen.
    Thank you,
    (Chris++ on Atari Age)
